Planet Centric Design sprint

Not sure how to disarm the complexity of your sustainability challenges? Look no further. We combine the power of designs sprints with Planet Centric Design methods.

Our Planet Centric design sprint

A design sprint at The Garage is a 5-day process for solving business challenges, improving existing products and creating new ones, all with the fresh perspective of Planet Centric Design thinking. Based on Google's design sprint framework, we map your challenge with our Planet Centric Design tools and help you design new business solutions

3 key ingredients

More than words - At the end of each sprint we have a set of tangible outcomes, ready to be developed further. No far-sights or red-dots-on-horizons, but ideas embedded in reality.

Bespoke tools & methods - We’ve developed specific Planet Centric Design tools to map, understand and define your business context.

Adding experts to the mix - We assemble our makers, your expert team, and a sustainability expert from our network to zero in on your sustainable challenges.

The 5-day setup

Our design sprints are intense 5-day pressure cookers, starting from mapping your sustainable challenge to create a tangible outcome.

The outcome

As makers, we never want to leave our clients without a tangible result. That's why we focus on creating an initial version of the solution as a high-fidelity provocatype: an interactive prototype that looks and feels like a real product aimed at provoking conversation among your key stakeholders and users. Combined with a clear path on how to continue developing your new solution, defining next steps becomes a lot easier for you.

Ready to start sprinting?